
Service Stimulus was launched in 2019. The project aims to study the linguistic consciousness. This is a very handy tool for conducting linguistic research online, which is provided free of charge. You are only a few steps away from the collected answers!


  1. Create your linguistic research.
  2. Collect answers: share your survey on social media, email it, or add it to your website.
  3. Perform the processing and analysis of entered respondents data.
  4. Get visual results in tables and graphs.

The user interface is very simple and intuitive. In application "Stimulus" anyone can create their own associative linguistic research. Users do not need to download or install anything - the service is available from any browser.

"Stimulus" automatically collects the responses you enter. The processing of the respondents results is the responsibility of the researcher. The construction of summary tables and graphs with the results of the study is done automatically.




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